Friday, October 8, 2010

Letter From a Touchy Pregnant Lady

Dear People Who Look At Me Like I'm Crazy For Having A Third C-Section:

I know you're just curious and you probably don't mean to be rude.  I'm a big believer in natural childbirth myself, and tried to do so with my first baby.  After 36 hours of labor (without an epidural) and only getting to 4cm and -3 station, I was exhausted, okay?  I ended up giving birth to a 10 pound, 10 oz baby boy via c-section.  Yes, that's a big baby.  He was healthy and I recovered well.

As for my second pregnancy and why I chose to have a c-section... it's really nobodies business.  Yes, in hindsight I wish I had tried for a VBAC, but my situation was personal and I don't wish to share it with the world. I had good reason to go with the c-section and let's just leave it at that.  In the end, I had a healthy nine pound baby girl.

And yes, can you fucking believe it?  I'm having a third c-section. I must be a victim to the over-medicalization of birth... but at this point it is what it is.  I probably could have tried for a VBAC but my only luck in this area for a VBAC after two c-sections is getting a mid-wife and giving birth at home.  I support home births... and actually encourage them... but I'm not willing to risk any complications that may occur as a result of my two previous c-sections.

And yes.  I'm aware that c-sections are major surgery.  I know this. I recovered from them myself.  I also know that each c-section gets riskier, but there are also risks involved in having a VBAC after two c-sections.    So think what you may.

Also, to the people who ask me: "Why are all your babies SO big?!" Because they are.  They just are.  It's genetics my friends.  And if I DID have gestational diabetes, it's none of your business.  I have never gone up to a woman who had a tendency to have small babies and asked, "Why are all your babies SO small?!" Because it's rude.  Because she may just have small babies.  And anyway, it's none of my business.

I know a lot of it is curiosity, and I know most of you are nice peeps and all.  But perhaps you should think before you speak... and just you know... stop judging.

Sonja the pregnant lady having ANOTHER c-section and victim of the over medicalization of childbirth


  1. Go Sunny... it's your body, your baby and your family. Sorry to have asked before, I just spaced that you had had c-sections before.

  2. oh kerri, i know your question was innocent! and i don't mind being asked what type of birth i'm having... i just got annoyed with yet another woman, who asked my why i was having "another c-section." and then she looked at me like i was a loon. i could've just ignored the comment, but it just aggravated me.
