Friday, October 8, 2010

Beckett Update

So I'm 37 weeks today.  I had a check-up yesterday and I found out that he's dropped and I'm 50% effaced (for those who don't know, it just means that the cervix is thinning out and getting ready for dilation).  No dilation yet though.  Last week I wasn't effaced at all.  I've been having pretty strong and consistent Braxton Hicks contractions for the past few days, so that's whats doing the trick, I think. Not that any of this really matters because I'm having a section anyway.  But it means we're getting close, and that's exciting.

They also did another sono because I told them that I had felt reduced movement on Tuesday.  I didn't call the doctor's office because when I actually ate something and rested, I felt about 20 movements in an hour.  You want to feel at least 10 movements in an hour... so I wasn't too worried.  Then on Wednesday he was moving like crazy, so that was reassuring.  Anyway, because I go to an extremely intervention-happy OB/GYN, they wanted to do a sono... which I thought unnecessary but whatevs.  I've resigned myself to the fact that no hospital in the DC area will do a VBAC on a two-time cesarean mama... so might as well just stick with the hyper-intervention practice.  So they did the sono to make sure he's doing okay, and yup... he's doing okay.  The pics they gave me were pretty blurry so they're not worth posting, but my sweet baby boy was sucking his thumb!  He was trying to stretch out and was pushing his head against my cervix.

Hey kid.  You're not coming out that way.  I wish you were.  So stop it.  You're making me uncomfortable.

I really can't wait to meet him.

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