Monday, August 16, 2010

Weekend Things

T'was a relaxing weekend after dealing with some really mean thunderstorms on Thursday and Friday. On Friday evening we FINALLY got a new camera.  Yes people, we can actually take pictures now.  We are very excited about this.  Problem is, my husband never takes pictures...which means I'm the one snapping photos...which means there are rarely any pictures of me...except if my kids get a hold of the camera or if I'm taking a photo of myself, which I hate doing.

So Friday night, we hung around and were just lazy.  It was nice.  I played with the camera a lot. Here, look at some super fun pictures that I took.

Kiera took this one.  I don't look pregnant in this pic...just a little plump.

Kiera wanted this pic to be in night vision. Maybe it has something to do with her spy infatuation.


The man and his dog.

On Saturday morning we went to the Girls Rock DC show at the 9:30 Club.  It was way awesome.  Girls Rock DC is a summer camp for girls 8 - 18 where they form a band, and learn how to play an instrument.  They write their own songs, learn about teamwork, gain self-esteem and self-respect and most of all...come away with a sense of empowerment that seems to be lacking among girls and young women these days.  At the end of the week, all the bands put on a show and it was pretty fuckin' rockin'.  Kiera loved it.  She was bouncing off the walls with enthusiasm and dancin' like a pro. Ryan on the other hand was his typical self. He stood there rigidly the whole time with his hands stuck at his sides. No smile. I tried to get him to clap and smile, but that kid refused to show any hint of emotion.  Just wanted to be his reserved self.  And that's okay.

So here are pics of the show.  We left a bit early to beat the crowd, and I didn't take as many pics as I wanted because I was still trying to figure out the camera.  Plus the photos are all blurry and shit. Oh well. The DJ pics are my fav.

My dad also moved back to DC this weekend. So that's cool. Ernesto and my pops ended up bonding over scotch, cigarettes and Julie London...among a million other things. Yeah so. They get along quite nicely.  Not that I was worried.