Thursday, May 27, 2010

sprinklers and other things

My little artist seems to have found a sport he enjoys.
We'll see how long that lasts. A few days ago he was into soccer, and he's already given that up. Will he let me sign him up for basketball?
Stay tuned to find out.

Yesterday was the first day this summer (even though it's technically not summer yet) that we got the sprinkler out for the kids. It was baking hot and there was a heaviness in the air... that damn humidity. And it's only gonna get worse. I'm not looking forward to being hugely pregnant during a hot, muggy DC summer. So anyway... the kids had fun despite the fact that they would stand there frozen in the sprinkler, shoulders hunched and eyes squinting in the shower of cold water. Next on the list of things to do: get a pool. For me.

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