Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sensational Sonograms!

Beckett Arturo Essen-Yermoli
16 weeks 4 days

A 3-D Beckett

I can already tell he's a thinker.

This is where the tech said that she thought that we're having a boy.
Can you find the evidence?

She said that sometimes the "penis" disappears and turns into a vagina... therefore a girl. But this is pretty obvious because the scrotum is quite visible. However, if for some odd reason the penis disappears then Beckett Arturo will be named Penelope Isabel. We'll find out at the next sonogram.

13 weeks 3 days

12 weeks 6 days
Our little genius is already waving

11 weeks

7 weeks 5 days
What the hell IS that?


  1. i love beckett! cute baby! dang you get alot of ultrasounds, what do the kids think of him?

  2. i switched doctors when i was about 12 weeks cuz they wouldn't take my new insurance. so the new doctor's office wanted to do their own sonos so they could see how he's doing. i also have to go to a specialist so they can keep an eye on his heart because jessica had a congenital heart defect. the result is a lot of sonos! the next one will be at 20 weeks and i think that'll be it for a while. and the kids are super excited. they love talking to my belly!
